FAQ and useful information
- How many seats are available for each session and how are they assigned?
- How do I know that I successfully enrolled in the course? Will I receive a confirmation e-mail?
- Can I get a refund if I quit the course or I do not show up at all?
- If I miss a lesson, can I re-attend it?
- Can I leave a lesson before the time is up?
- If I have a question about the topics of the course, who can I contact?
- Is it possilbe to enroll in more than one edition of the courses at once?
The registration page shows three possible statuses regarding the availability of seats per session: available (), running out () and sold out (). The registration process for the course is considered completed when, after selecting the chosen session, the registration fee is paid by credit card.
Each enrollee will receive an email confirming that they have registered in the preparation course. This email will include useful information on the chosen course.
The registration fee is not refundable.
Recovery lessons are not provided for.
Participation is free, if a user needs to disconnect prior to the end of the video-lesson, he/she can do it under his/her sole responsibility.
You can get further information emailing the formazione@selexi.it address.
Our courses have no registration limit, it is possible to enroll in more than one edition at once as long as the lessons do not take place simultaneoulsy.